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Medical textile

Medical textiles

Medical textiles are the most essential and growing part of technical textiles which is also known as healthcare textiles. The demand of medical textiles is increasing day by day due to the various applications of the health sector. These bio-medical textiles are a very sensitive part of human health. Therefore, maintain the quality of medical textiles accurately. Major applications of technical textiles are in the hygienic, medical, and healthcare sectors. In this article, I try to discuss about the classification of medial textiles.
Medical Textile

Classification of medical textile:

Medical textiles are classified as follows-

1. Non-plannable medical textile: Use as wound dressing, plaster, bandage, gauge, etc.
2. Implantable medical textile: Use as a suture, artificial ligament, artificial joint, etc.
3. Extracorporeal device: Use as an artificial kidney, artificial liver, artificial lungs, etc.
4. Health care and hygiene products: Use as bedding and pillow cover in hospital, surgical gown, surgical mask, gloves, etc.

Fibers used in medical textiles:

Fibers used in medical textiles may be classified as follows- 

According to the source of origin:

1. Natural fibers: Use as cotton, silk, etc.
2. Synthetic fibers: Uses as polyester, polyurethane, viscose, polyethylene, polypropylene, polyamide, PTFE, carbon, glass, etc.


According to biological structure:

1. Bio-degradable textile:
fibers that are absorbed by the body within 2-3 months after implantation are called bio-degradable medical textiles. These are- cotton, viscose, polyamide, polyurethane, collagen, alginate, and polypropiolacton.
2. Non-bio-degradable medical textile:
Fibers that are absorbed by the body slowly and take more than 6 months to degrade are called non-biodegradable medical textiles. Non-bio-degradable medical textiles are polypropylene, PTFE, and carbon.

Depending upon the usage, they are classified as
1. Healthcare and Hygiene products
2. Extracorporeal devices
3. Implantable materials
4. Non-implantable materials.

Medical textiles definition is, “The textile material and products that have been engineered to meet particular needs suitable for the medical and surgical application, where the combination of following properties are required.”
§  Strength.
§  Flexibility.
§  Moisture absorbing capacity.
§  Air permeability.

Desired Properties Required For Medical Textile
A medical textile product should have the following properties.
§  It should be non-toxic.
§  It should be non-carcinogenesis.
§  It should be non-allergic.
§  It should possess the ability to be sterilized (radiation, dry heat, boiling).
§  It should be chemically inert.
§  It should be biocompatible.
§  It should have the following mechanical properties.

 Non-implantable Medical Textiles

This is used for external application on the body with or without skin contact. This is used for protection against infection, absorption, and exudation of blood & excess fluids, healing applications, etc. The requirements from these fabrics are-
§  It should be soft & pliable.
§  It should protect from further injury.
§  It should be easily applied and removed.
§  It should be sterile, lint-free, and non-toxic.

This includes wound care products which are usually made in 3 layers-
§  Wound contact layer.
§  Absorbent layer.
§  Base material.

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