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Design Elements

Design Elements

􀂃 Design Elements:

o Line
􀂃 Horizontal lines are calm and quiet
􀂃 Vertical lines suggest more of a potential for movement.
􀂃 Diagonal lines strongly suggest movement and give more of a feeling of vitality to a picture.
o Shape
􀂃 A shape is defined as an area that stands out from the space next to or around it due to a defined or implied boundary, or because of differences of value, color, or texture.
􀂃 A shape is formed when a line encloses an area.
􀂃 Shapes can vary endlessly and can suggest physical form and direct eye movement.
􀂃 Simple shapes are remembered and understood more easily than complex shapes.
o Space
􀂃 Size & vertical location
􀂃 Overlapping
􀂃 Detail (aerial or atmospheric perspectives)
􀂃 Linear perspective (converging lines)
o Values
􀂃 Value is the relative degree of lightness and darkness in a design element.
􀂃 Line, color, texture, and shape all need value contrast in order to be seen.
􀂃 Value is used to describe objects, shapes, and space.
􀂃 Dark areas tend to denote: gloom, mystery, drama, and menace
o Texture

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