Design Principles
Design Principles:
o Balance Balance is a psychological sense of equilibrium.
As a design principle, balance places the parts of a visual in an aesthetically pleasing arrangement.
In visual images, balance is formal when both sides are symmetrical in terms of arrangement.
Balance is informal when the sides are not exactly symmetrical, but the resulting image is still balanced.
Informal balance is more dynamic than formal balance and normally keeps the learner's attention focused on the visual message.
There are three main types of balance,
horizontal balance,
vertical balance,
radial balance,
o Perspective Perspective is created through the arrangement of objects in two-dimensional space to look like they appear in real life.
Perspective is a learned meaning of the relationship between different objects seen in space.
Is the dark rectangle in front of a circle,
or beside a semi-circle?
Perspective adds realism to a visual image. The size of a rectangle means little until another object gives it the size of a desk or the size of a building.
Perspective can be used to draw the audience into a visual.
Perception can be achieved through the use of relative sizes of objects,
overlapping objects,
and blurring or sharpening objects.
o Movement Motion or movement in a visual image occurs when objects seem to be moving in a visual image.
Movement in a visual image comes from the kinds of shapes, forms, lines, and curves that are used.
Diagonal lines tend to create the illusion of movement or motion.
Similar shapes connected with each other or overlapping each other can imply movement or restlessness.
o Emphasis Emphasis by contrast
Emphasis by isolation
Emphasis by placement
o Variety If this is harmony
then variety might be something like this.
Variety consists of the differences in objects that add interest to a visual image.
Variety can be achieved by using opposites or strong contrasts.
Changing the size, point of view, and angle of a single object can add variety and interest to a visual image.
Breaking a repeating pattern can enliven a visual image.
o Harmony Harmony pulls the pieces of a visual image together.
Harmony can be achieved through repetition and rhythm.
Patterns or shapes can help achieve harmony.
o Unity Unity is the relationship among the elements of a visual that helps all the elements
Unity helps organize a visual image, facilitating interpretation and understanding.
This visual is confusing. It is hard to see the relationships between the various parts.
With better unity, the visual is now organized and easier to understand.
Unity can be achieved through the use of similar shapes.
Unity can be achieved through the use of a common pattern.
Unity can be achieved through the use of space.
Unity can be achieved through the use of a common background.
This paper is written by Yangjoo Park for the course
EDC385G Interactive Multimedia Design & Production at the University of Texas - Austin
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